Jul 23, 2023 8 min read

Angelology & Connecting with the Angelic

Angels & angelology
Various angels depicted via painting.
Table of Contents

Angelology is the study of angels and their influence on our lives.

Angels are more than just celestial beings with wings and halos — they are divine messengers between the human world and the spiritual realm.

This is an arguably biblical topic, with angelology branching from Christian theology —

  • Isaiah 6 and Ephesians 6 detail an awe-inspiring, complex hierarchy for the angelic realm.
  • Genesis 6 and Revelation 12 spin captivating stories of fallen angels.

Exploring this topic of guardian angels, divine messengers, specialty angels, and realms unknown to us earthly folks may produce an unusual calmness about you.

A newfound connection to the divine — perhaps something that has been absent for a while — is bound to feel reinvigorating.

The origin of angels

Angels have been present across various cultures and religions for centuries, playing significant roles as God's helpers and messengers in Christian theology.

We again point to Isaiah 6 and Ephesians 6, plus the fallen angel tales of Genesis 6 and Revelation 12.

Understanding angelology

Angelology delves into understanding different types of angels, their hierarchies, functions and how they may influence or interact with humans.

This knowledge can provide positivity in our own lives, helping us connect better with our spirituality.

Why study angelology?

The domain of angelology is an oft-included part of any full spirituality or metaphysical education curriculum. For instance, see the course catalog of the University of Metaphysical Sciences.

More importantly, it's fun. The study of angelic beings — perhaps absent any stories of fallen angels — is a flatly positive topic, prone to enhance pupils' well-being.

Connecting with guardian angel(s) through meditation or otherwise noting angelic signs around you may provide specific guidance or reassurance when most needed.

  • Pay attention to signs around you like repeating numbers (1111) and feathers appearing out of the blue, as these can indicate your guardian angel(s) trying to communicate.
  • Meditation also serves as an effective tool in establishing angelic connection. Visualize yourself surrounded by white light during meditation — this may especially invite your guardian angel's presence.

Repeating numbers are often called angel numbers . Many consider these to be the premier angelic sign — there's no counting how many lives have perhaps been helped by the reassurance of these numbers since humanity's beginning.

We cannot think of any good reason to pass up exploring the fascinating world of angels. Why not see what divine messages are in store for you?

Unlocking your inner potential with angelology

Did you know that studying angels, or angelology, can help you unlock your inner potential?

This is because angels are not just heavenly beings — they're also symbols of our highest aspirations and possible form.

Unlocking inner potential with angelology first starts with the power of belief. Your beliefs shape reality and influence every aspect of your life.

Acknowledging the presence of a guardian angel is an empowering act that connects you with something higher and wiser for guidance.

Focus on angelic qualities — love, peace, courage — which resonate with YOU. If not present-state you, then what you want to manifest in yourself.

Combining meditation and visualization techniques can deepen this connection to our aspirations, the angels, your potential, and our shared consciousness. This is fundamental work towards personal transformation.

Embrace change

Becoming open to change is a crucial tenet of any self-improvement, including self-improvement alongside angelology.

Practice regularly

Regular meditative practices and angelic thought exercises will yield better results than spastic, "stop-go-stop-go" efforts.

Angel cards & readings

Angel cards and readings may provide further and/or more concrete insights towards your best life.

This divine topic has a wide scope all of its own, necessitating a separate area of our forum.

Seek professional guidance

Consider seeking professional guidance from someone experienced in angelic connection, spiritual growth and development.

Robbi Kearns

With or without professional guidance, though, do not be overly hard on yourself. "Progress over perfection" is a powerful mantra for all spiritual work and self-development. Every stride may not seem independently grand, but gets us closer to manifesting our utmost potential.

With endurance, dedication, and maybe a touch of the divine, there's no telling what heights we can reach.

Connect with your guardian angels

Have you previously "felt" or sensed a divine presence in your life? Perhaps narrow avoidance of a car accident, or surviving a truly "hairy" experience.

That's where guardian angels come in — they're like personal protectors and guides from the heavens, who may take more of a special interest in you than more supreme entities.

The first step in connecting with a guardian angel is identifying their presence, if you can. Think through signs, messages, or intuitive feelings.

Establishing this communication requires openness and sincerity through prayer and meditation. As with virtually anything, honesty and high integrity will move you to a higher plane.

Guidance from your guardian angel(s) tends to come when you least expect it, but need it most.

Building more than a cursory relationship with your guardian angel(s) involves expressing gratitude and acknowledging their presence regularly. This need for regularity is like any other relationship, if you think about it. Of course this takes time, but reflect on this as time well-spent.

Now what about angels beyond your individual guardian(s)? We might call these "speciality angels" in the angelic realm. Let's dive into that topic.

Get to know specialty angels

Specialty angels aren't your "average" celestial beings — they each have their own unique roles and responsibilities in the spiritual realm. Let's consider some speciality angels of the celestial hierarchy.

Archangels are the "big guns" of angelology, thought to serve as God's primary messengers to humanity. These chief angels lead angelic hosts in battle or deliver important messages to humans, like Michael, the warrior Archangel, and Gabriel, God's messenger.

Seraphim, considered the pinnacle of angelic creation, symbolize intense love for God and unwavering devotion to carrying out divine will. Seraphim maintain constant adoration and praise towards God.

Cherubim, despite popular depictions as chubby-cheeks winged infants, are mighty protectors who guard sacred spaces against any sort of defilement or intrusion. Cherubim, second only to Seraphim, were tasked by God himself to guard Eden after Adam and Eve got evicted. Arguably tough job!

Ophanims appear as "wheels within wheels," filled with eyes around them. They seem to be moving around God's throne.


Other specialty angels include — Virtues, responsible for miracles on earth; Thrones that symbolize God's justice and authority; plus Dominions, who regulate duties of lower angels among others.

Understanding specialty angels can offer us insights into how different aspects of our lives might be influenced from above.

  • The next time when you need some courage, remember Michael.
  • If it's wisdom you seek, then call upon Gabriel.

Then your guardian angels are more personal spiritual companions, guiding you through life's challenges and helping keep your spirit aligned with its higher purpose.

Tap into angelic power for peak performance...?

Peak performance isn't just about raw physical or intellectual strength (IQ) — it's also about emotional intelligence (EQ) and connecting with the spiritual realm.

The study of angels might help you achieve the latter. Angelology may help tap into divine energies that promote mental clarity and focus.

Understand how angels work

To harness angelic power, you must first understand at least some basic background about how these celestial beings operate. We hope this guide has been helpful in this sense.

Remember, angels are messengers from God who guide and protect us in our journey through life.

Meditate on angelic symbols

Meditation is crucial for connecting with the metaphysical — including your guardian angel(s).

You might focus on specific angel symbols or sigils during meditation to draw their energy closer to you.

Invoke angels through prayer

Prayer is another powerful tool for invoking angelic assistance. Some might even consider prayer and meditation to be overlapping activities, which is understandable.

Ernest prayer can provide comfort during challenging times and boost your confidence when facing life's obstacles.

Practice mindfulness & positive affirmations

Maintaining a positive mindset is arguably essential for peak performance in any domain.

Mindfulness exercises and positive affirmations, used in conjunction with more classic prayer or meditation, can help keep negative thoughts at bay and foster an environment conducive to success.

Purify your environment with sage or incense

Cleansing rituals using sage or incense can create a sacred space, more inviting for spiritual connection.

This holistic smudging practice can enhance concentration and promote your higher self.

Foster a deep connection with archangels

A full journey into angelology subjectively must include a deep connection with archangels — like Michael or Gabriel.

Cultivating such connection not only invites divine protection, but also infuses one's life with purposeful direction. Direction and progress towards ultimate fulfilment.

Become one with the celestial realm

There's much more to the higher or celestial realms than angelology. Becoming "one" with this wider scope is desirable.

Higher dimensions of consciousness unlock full potential within oneself, and vice versa. Unity is of a cyclical nature.

By integrating spiritual practices into your daily routine, you'll find yourself operating at peak levels of achievement.

Wouldn't it make sense that reaching unprecedented heights in all aspects of life must come with help from the angels? We do not ourselves have wings in the physical world.


Angelology and more personal connection to angelic, divine energies can be achieved through meditation, prayer, positive affirmation, and cleansing rituals. Understanding some angelic background, considering your own guardian angels, and fostering a deep connection with archangels like Michael or Gabriel presents an opportunity to integrate with the celestial realm.

Michael battling Lucifer

Angelology FAQs

What is angelology?

Angelology is the study of angels, exploring their nature, hierarchy, roles, and interaction with humans.

What does angelology mean in the Bible?

Angelology — via the Christian Bible — refers to understanding angels as divine messengers who serve God's will, delivering messages, guiding people, and executing divine judgment.

What is the function of angelology in Christianity?

Angelology in Christianity explores how angels interact with humanity for guidance and protection according to God's plan.

What are the 9 types of angels?

The nine types of angels include Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and (Guardian) Angels, each with unique characteristics and responsibilities within the heavenly hierarchy.


Are you curious about the different types of angels and their influence on our lives? Explore the world of angelology to unlock your inner potential and connect with these divine entities.

Discover the power of guardian angels and specialty angels to overcome mental obstacles and achieve peak performance.

Interested in spiritual guidance? Angelology offers a unique perspective that can help you connect with celestial beings and gain insights into your life.

Have personal opinions or experiences with angelology? Share your thoughts and beliefs related to these fascinating beings.

Looking for credible sources off-site for further reading? Check out these resources on angelology and related topics —

  • Hebrews 1:14 — Biblical reference to angels as "ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation."
  • Beliefnet — A website dedicated to exploring different religious beliefs related to angels.
  • ThoughtCo — An article on the history and mythology of angels in different cultures.

Ready to delve deeper into the realms of angelology? Start exploring today!

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